Fall Lawn Care Services
Our fall clean up services will prepare your lawn and landscape for the cold winter months ahead.

Cleanup Your Lawn For The Holidays
Leaf city! The primary service included in our fall cleanup service is leaf removal, so much so that it has its own section on this page.
Other common fall landscape cleanup services that can be performed if needed include a final pruning of your bushes, cutting back perennials and ornamental grasses, and/or cleaning up overgrown areas of your lawn or landscape. Whatever it takes to have your lawn looking great for the holidays, we will get it done.
We Remove Leaves!
Leaf Pickup Service
Leaf removal is the most needed and common lawn service in the fall.
We can collect and remove your leaves completely from your property, or blow them into the wood line if you have one available on your property. Another option is mulching the leaves back into the lawn if there are not too many.
Fall services can include:
- Pruning
- Leaf Pickup
- Debris Removal
- Final Mowing
- General Cleanup
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
Start With Your Free Estimate
Our quotes come fast and free. Request yours today.
Step 1:
Call, text, email us, or complete any form on our website to get started.
Step 2:
We will provide you with our quote quickly with no pushy sales tactics.
Step 3:
When you are ready, let us know if you approve our quote or have any questions. That's it!
Fall Pruning
We prune plants and small trees for their health, appearance, and functionality.

Leaf Services
Leaves collected and removed from your lawn, landscape, and paved surfaces.

Late Season Lawn Care
Anything your lawn needs to be prepared for winter, we would like to handle for you.